Thursday 1 January 2015

Love Poem of Sorts

When I was a little girl I used to wonder why songs were always about love. I think I know now...

It’s because love is incredible,
In many ways:
It can make you happy,
It can feel like magic
But somehow it’s real.
It can make dreams come true
And every bad thing in the world
It can make every bad thing in the world
Something you can triumph over… together.
And before you know it,
Love has taken over your life
You live love, you live through your love and you love…
You  love  your  love.
You’re glowing
You finally feel alive
You're savouring every moment
But love is not perfect
Love is not impenetrable
Love is more than want or hope
Love is doing
Love is actively doing and actively loving
Love suffers with unhappiness
And when the unhappiness grows to a point where 
It is more visible than the love
The  love  begins  to  die
It can be dying before you realise, before you realise how much you needed it
How much it meant to you
What you wanted to build with it
And before long, once the unhappiness morphs into destruction
The love dies. 
A thing of the past
One of you may try to revive it
But while the other is ready to bury it, this won’t happen
And as much as you want to tear the shovel from his hands
He will not let go (of it).
You waste time
You waste energy
If anything, you make him dig with increased urgency
Breaking the earth until there’s nothing left to stand on
Just a deep, dark hole to Hell
There are no definite answers
But in this moment 
Your despair and desperation scares him
And even the memories of your love become
It was good then
It is bitter now
You want it to be good again
It might
But in this moment
You cannot mourn the love
There is no time for that, life keeps going
The clock keeps ticking
And the world keeps turning

It is a privilege to experience true love
You were lucky
Now you’re back in the real world
Some people will be lucky 
And you will not envy them because you’ve been lucky
And will be lucky again.
Love comes in many forms
Love comes when it’s ready, not when you are
As you know
Because the love you had knocked you off your feet
(It carried you, you flew with it)
Time to stand up again.

A Poem of Sorts by Antonia Francis, 1st Jan 2015