Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Cooking Disasters and Siestas (Au Pair Experience, Día Cinco)

The title is misleading because I'm going to start with the siesta. Basically woke up, took the kids to school and crashed. I said I'd take G's gymnastics kit to school before 11 but at 10 I was fast asleep. An "Antonia?" from S woke me right up and it was fine, she took the kit and I wasn't late but I was so embarrassed. How could I pass out after being awake for an hour and half?! Soon after she left I forced myself into the shower and after yawning about 15 times got dressed and sorted out my room. It was getting a little messy (the real me was coming out).

Once I was done with that it was time to cook lunch (here comes the disaster). It was rice with tomato sauce and fried eggs, then burgers, bread and oil. Nothing was really hard apart from the rice omg. Anyone who's ever eaten something I've cooked knows I struggle with cooking. I can cook but cooking rice in a pot is my sworn enemy. I always get it stuck on the bottom with a massive burnt patch that takes 12 years to scrape off and it's wet despite also burning. I added some oil to try and avoid this but this is obviously my destiny. So I panicked and made another batch in the microwave that was a bit hard but better than the sticky wet thing. Well done me.

I warned G when I picked her up from school, that there were two types of rice: malo y bueno. But when we got back and I asked her which one she wanted she said the sticky wet stuff. I nearly cried with joy. I didn't have to put a whole pot of rice in the bin! And I even managed to clean the pot before S came back downstairs. The only bad thing is because it was actually edible I'll have to go through this every week.

Also I need one of those toy tills you have as a toddler to practise with Euro change. I misunderstand the price every time and look like a noob 💀

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