Yesterday was good if a little painful! Somehow I forgot that sport and long nails don't go together and managed to catch the ball right on my little fingernail, completely break it and end up with a swollen finger to boot. I milked it a little (got out of running for about two minutes) but it actually did hurt! I can move it and stuff but it's been a long time since I've hurt myself that way and put me off a bit. Still I kept playing and played a match on the full pitch as well I'm which I scored a great goal or whatever (I'm forgetting some English and I wasn't great on basketball terminology anyway) plus blocked an important pass from the other side too.
The mystery Irish girl was there finally, but of course I had to go and say I thought she was Norwegian as soon as she opened her mouth. Maybe that's why she didn't seem too eager to text me after. That and her iPhone needs unlocking but hello WiFi? We'll see, she seems nice anyway. Also the coach, Carme is so sweet loool. I love her and I think the language barrier has actually helped us bond. She always explains things in Castilian Spanish for me and cheers me on when I look like I'm gonna fall over from running. She's cheeky though, a proper character. The mums are all nice too, can't remember all their names but they're good sports and patient and stuff. Apparently they couldn't believe that I'd plaited my hair by myself (so needs redoing now though, could've done without the attention!) and Carme suggested I start a business lol. I think people would rather not pay €40/50 for me to take a whole day doing their hair but if anyone does feel free to drop me a message!
It was also Abril's birthday so Happy Birthday Abril! If I haven't said before she's Gina's twin from another mother and comes to lunch with her brother Jan on Mondays, then me, Gina and Roger go to theirs on Wednesdays. We had ice cream cake with 8 little candles, it was so cute. Made me feel super old though! I remember my 8th birthday was amazing, a trip to the London Eye, new jeans that I tried to keep until I was 13 (and a size 10) and lunchables in the car. Can every child enjoy their youth please? Thanks.
So today I had plans to go for a drink with another British girl here and didn't decide to check my phone until I'd gotten ready to leave, a good 5 hours after she'd texted me to reschedule. Oh well, that's a normal thing and things don't magically go well just because you're in another country.
So to cheer myself up I got another sandwich and coffee but this time at a different cafe. It might become my favourite because it's right by the river and the coffee's cheaper but it's on the other side to the main bit of town. Not even a 5 minute walk. I dunno I'll weigh up the pros and cons when I'm out and need coffee like most people do.
I'm writing this post sitting outside it but I'll have to finish off at home because I've got school at 6 and should show you all the English work we've got hanging up in the kitchen.
I'm going to try to take a different approach to Roger. He's really excitable and that's actually a really good thing so I need to make an effort to channel it into our time together. Be entertained by it even when it's annoying kind of thing. I'm not a nanny to be worried about discipline and if he gets over excited I can just give him a time out like yesterday (he sat on the stairs for a minute and was much calmer when he came back, for a little while.) If I need to give instructions I can do so in Spanish and translate after. I also have to be prepared to work a little for the kids' attention. This is a learning experience for me as much as them. He's gotta stop kicking me under the table though lol. After the third time I'm like can you not feel my great hefty leg? Try harder bubs. And sit properly ;)
So now to get ready for school and I'll tell you all about it after.
School was fine. The secretary asked me to do a language exchange with her next week which was nice and the girl who gave me her book dropped me off to meet my host family. Unfortunately she doesn't have time for anything more than our classmate relationship but it's fine because I have something to look forward to at school. Someone asked me a question for their English work (in case you didn't know, the opposite to the most dangerous is the safest) and my teacher was pleased enough with my summary of a Spanish newspaper article. No one seems to care too much that I haven't registered though lol.
Saw this on the way to school. For now, Catalunya is Spain. People write graffiti in English so that the whole world understands. It's so interesting to me because of the political situation in Catalunya. I live with a family who want the region's independence but aren't fanatical about it. If it happens it happens and they think it would be better for Catalunya. There are quite a few Catalan flags around, walk down any street and you'll see some. There's just one street where I've seen a Spanish flag and it really sticks out, which is probably the point. But it's not something that anyone's mentioned, there's graffiti everywhere but no one minds if I speak Castillian Spanish or anything like that. Maybe in other towns, I'm not sure.
Did some English study with Roger for a test he has. He knows a lot and he's a good student so I'm sure he'll do really well!